what does it feel like in everyone’s brains?

i learned about aphantasia several years ago and i was floored. i always thought that “picture this…” was a figure of speech and no one else was actually picturing things, they were just imagining how it would be/look. i was never able to “count sheep” to fall asleep as a kid like my dad always suggested lol. and then the apple test produces nothing for me.

but my thoughts seem to manifest in muscle twitches in my forearms and my fingers as if i am trying to type out my thoughts on a keyboard (i learned how to type fast and accurately at a young age which might be why my brain goes to this). if i’m imagining something, i am really just “typing up” a list about what would form the thing (like for visualizing an apple, i am just typing a list about how it is red, it is round, it has a leaf on the stem, etc.) but i still do not produce any images. just my muscles twitching, but i am not sitting there with my hands propped up and moving my fingers like i am typing lol.

i actually have a really good memory, and i think it might be because i commit things to my muscle memory in a way. like i’ve typed this before (on an imaginary keyboard) so i remember the info easier??

so i was wondering how does everyone else’s thoughts manifest? how is your memory? what is your experience with visualization or the lack-thereof?