Do you prefer a Gradual Leveling experience or a Milestone Leveling experience?
I'm wondering what people would prefer for leveling. Do you think that for a game like this it would be better to have faster levels except for the milestones (10, 20, 30, etc.), or have the same amount of total experience needed but have it be equally spread out across all levels?
I can see the benefit of faster levels, but needing much more xp to hit 9 to 10 or 19 to 20, you would get the satisfaction of new abilities quicker and be able to use more of your kit for both PvP and PvE alot quicker. Then needing to work for the new gear, or more node interactions for the next boost. It could also give alot of players a false sense of security in facing higher levels because their power level is still a level 10 but their lvl19 due to the gear they have available and not playing the class enough before reaching up to that breakpoint.
And with a spread out leveling system that still takes the same amount of time, but be more gradual, possibly letting the player realize what they can combat and not rush to quickly into higher content just because of their level. This could cause a longer leveling process as a whole though, due to having less skills available making you spam the same small amount of skills much longer.
Obviously this is only going off of the gear we have now because of how hard locked each "phase" of power is due to equipment being level 10 and 20 and will most likely change when more equipment is added and they have equipment for the progressive levels. But I think it's good to see right now if people prefer a more spread out leveling, or needing to overcome milestones for certain levels.
For the record I'm NOT saying leveling should be made faster at all, it's good that it takes a long time so that players actually learn their class as they play so that you know if someone is a higher level they understand their class at the very least a basic level. But honestly let me know how you feel about leveling as a whole because I'm genuinely curious how everyone feels about it currently and it would be good to express now what people think about it.