Smelling Good

Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you have any recommendations. I want to smell really good. You know when you walk past someone and you get a whiff of their smell and it smells long lasting and they just smell super good? I really want to smell like that, I wear chanel perfumes but it kind of just doesnt stay, the smell I mean. I moisturise my body a lot so Im not interested to buy lotion that's too expensive because I use it so often. I have never tried body butter. I just want a really clean nice feminin smell. I love that clean girly aesthetic so I would love some feminine reccomendations of creams or something I can put on to leave a really good smell on my body. Also side note - do you have recommendations o oils too? I have seen online videos of people putting oil on them to make their skin shiny but also smell really good and edible with vanilla scent i think? I live in Canberra so any recommendations on where to shop for things like this would be very helpful - thank you!