Genuinely curious , what do you think autistic people were like in ancient history? Is there any research on this?
I was thinking about things like safe foods, strong attachment to favourite belongings, executive dysfunction in eras where mostly time and energy went into fighting-to-survive/eat etc. I’ve heard before that it’s likely that autistic and adhd type brains were likely doing the inventing, exploring and things. But I’m quite curious how things might have been other than that. Granted lots of our modern life adds to our overstimulation but I’m sure there still would have been overstimulation then too but in different ways perhaps. I wonder how we survived with all our sensitivities? We’re we just valued more for our individual strengths and protected? Maybe some of us were storytellers, singers, healers and shamans and spiritual advisors etc so appreciated? And what about higher support needs autistic people too? It’s just interesting to think about days before chicken nuggets and squishmellows and favourite comforting tv shows 😅 I can imagine being around a fire asking for the same story to be told again please! I almost want to create an animated tv series about this now (that’s my adhd kicking in!)
Edit: sorry I’m more meaning early/pre agricultural times but wasn’t sure how to phrase it.