Deciding to have a 2nd child

I’m curious to hear others experiences about having a second child (whether ND or NT) when your first is on the spectrum.

Might be worth noting that we are still waiting on an official diagnosis for my son. He is 2.5 and in general is pretty easy going. Goes to daycare full time and does well there, not many behavioral issues. Main concerns right now are language delay and sensory seeking/repetitive behaviors. However there has been a recent increase in tantrums which I believe is mostly due to his language delay (both receptive and expressive) but he started speech therapy and both are slowly improving. Really hoping that will help calm those down a bit (I also realize tantrums are a normal part of development for all toddlers). I know support levels can also change over time so that’s something I’m trying to consider as well.

I know everyone’s experience is different and there’s no way to predict how your second child will end up. More so just curious about what helped lead you to your decision to have a second, and how it has affected your family dynamic and your first kid.

Thanks in advance for any insight!