Let's hear all your biggest wins right now.
So we've been battling lots of extreme mental health problems, public school,meltdowns, and much more. But I feel like we are on top of a mountain right now. My 7y level 1 ADHD ODD boy has gone several months without any major meltdowns. He is participating in homeschool PE. And the icing on the cake he is a part of a basketball team with his general education peers. He actually asks to go to practices and made two baskets tonight. 😭 😭 ❤️❤️. The other parents bragged on him and how good he is doing. I am beyond proud of him and how good he is doing. I'd like to hear all yalls wins and any upsides you have. And if you don't feel like you got any wins right now I am sending good vibes to y'all.