Should I change doctors?

First time being pregnant at 36 years old. Having a lot of communication issues with my doctor--I chose my PCP to help me through pregnancy and delivery because she insisted when I asked for a referral to Ob/Gyn. She said PCPs could do everything an Ob/Gyn could. She is a resident still but says she likes delivering babies.

At my last appointment, however, her attending shared that PCPs don't deliver babies, and another doctor would be in charge of that. PCPs can be present, however. This kind of surprised me because she had made it sound like she was doing the delivering?

Anyway, my first ultrasound wasn't until 12 weeks, and it was one of those handheld, crappy ultrasounds that can't even take pictures. I was majorly disappointed because I thought it'd be a traditional ultrasound, which captures high-definition images. When I asked the PCP the first time (I was 8 weeks by then) if we'd get an ultrasound at my 12-week appointment she'd said yes, and I literally saw her put in an order for it. But by the time the appointment came around the order suddenly disappeared off my MyChart. I was never told why--just that they did handheld ultrasounds too so I'd get that. I wanted to figure out baby's due date (for work purposes) and make sure baby was progressing as expected. It turns out I'm not getting this until 15 weeks. Is that typical? I keep thinking this should have been done at like 8 weeks?

I was also disappointed that I didn't get NIPT and gender testing at my 12-week visit as I had requested. My doctor had previously made it sound like I would get this done at my 12-week appointment, but it turned out it was just normal routine labs and I'd have to go to an outpatient clinic for it. I was totally confused, because she said an outpatient clinic was only for intensive genetic testing, and that I'd get a more basic one plus gender at my 12-week appointment. But I eventually figured out via googling awhile that the outpatient clinic actually was doing the NIPT and gender. So I scheduled it right away at 13 weeks, but I had planned a gender reveal and everything thinking the results would be in by then. I've had to change plans and completely rearrange my schedule, and it's been extremely inconvenient.

Anyway, my very first traditional ultrasound is next week at 15 weeks, and I'm finding out (from google) that it's only really going to tell me my baby's due date, and I'd probably have to have another one by week 20 or so for anatomy, which I feel like I'll have to insist with the Resident PCP when I see her because now I'm not really sure she knows what the hell she's doing. And I feel like it's not just me either because Baby Daddy has gone to all my appointments with me, had the same expectations I did, and was just as confused when it didn't happen. When I looked at my MyChart, I see the order placed for the ultrasound is identical to the one I thought I was going to have at 12 weeks in first trimester. Except I'm now at 2nd.

I admit I'm very irritated about all these expectations that aren't being met and am thinking of changing doctors.

What would you do in my situation? Was your first traditional ultrasound at 15 weeks or later, too?