My wife does not eat.
My tone might sound like complaining but im genuinely concerned as im mot able to take care of her.
The issue is since she's found out she was pregnant (around week 5) she literally has been sleeping and nothing else. There was a week where she was diagnosed with HG. Shes so nauseous she barely eats. Its week 8 she's gained no weight.
This is our first kid and I have offered to do stuff around the house, cook whatever im able to( im a pretty bad cook) or just order stuff in because when it comes to her theres nothing thats too much. But she keeps telling me no on everything. My sister is visiting. Sister can be a bit blunt about stuff and regrettably she doesnt baby her as much as I do. But my sister is cooking and cleaning and she asks my wife what she wants made for food and how does she want it done. She tell her to cook something and doesnt even taste it, just says i dont want it. I was managing everything well but I got sick yesterday im feeling helpless. All that ive accomplished feels like such a waste if i can't take care of my pregnant wife.
I just need advice on how to feed her