Show me yer booty

Here’s some of the bail biners I’ve collected over the years. RB Rocklock, Friends and Lovers 5.9 Gunks. BD Oval, Virgin Suicides 5.9 Birdsboro. Bd Screwlock green, Ian’s Climb 5.9 Birdsboro. BD Screwlock Silver, High Tension Line, 5.6 DWG. BD Neutrino Silver, Tanemund 5.6 DWG, BD Wiregate blue, Hawk’s Nest 5.6 Stover. BD Magetron, Ivy Leaf 5.4 Stover. Share your photos and adventures of collected bail biners encounters. Or if you have an epic bail story, share that.

Here’s some of the bail biners I’ve collected over the years. RB Rocklock, Friends and Lovers 5.9 Gunks. BD Oval, Virgin Suicides 5.9 Birdsboro. Bd Screwlock green, Ian’s Climb 5.9 Birdsboro. BD Screwlock Silver, High Tension Line, 5.6 DWG. BD Neutrino Silver, Tanemund 5.6 DWG, BD Wiregate blue, Hawk’s Nest 5.6 Stover. BD Magetron, Ivy Leaf 5.4 Stover. Share your photos and adventures of collected bail biners encounters. Or if you have an epic bail story, share that.