FYI: Salvation's Grip is genuinely good now. Read for more info.

Just did a field test on GM Moon in a pub lobby, a perfect test, actually.

Loadout was Osmiomancy Warlock with-

Battlescar - Shoot to Loot and Kinetic Tremors.

Indebted Kindness - Voltshot and Lead from Gold.

Ya boi, big dawg Sally, Salvation's Grip. Sally for short.

I always liked and found great use with Sally even pre rework, but cmon... its Sally, it ain't shit. With the rework in like S22ish, maybe 21, it made it so holding it charged it and it now makes a V shape of large crystals, the same crystals made by the Behemoth Titan's super slam, the ones that do a lot of damage.

It makes like a small crystal, then 2 mediums, then the rest are big I believe, total of 7 crystals I believe, maybe 9. Either way, it works just like it used to, it instafreezes everything in a large AOE, and WITHOUT the fragment that adds more shatter damage, it pretty much instakills red bars on moon GM. I accidentally found out Kinetic Tremors is EXCELLENT for shattering the crystals in AOE if you focus a large target, but shooting the crystals does just fine, they pop like balloons with Battlescar, a relatively weak pulse rifle.

It instashatters the crystals when they touch a boss, as the Behemoth crystals do as well, and it also staggers bosses when it happens just like Leviathan's Breath, not every time, but a lot of the time, enough for me to take note with this one field test. Remember, I have never brought Sally into a GM post rework, these are all first impressions and things I noticed, it for sure staggers bosses and enemies, at least often.

I mostly tested in the boss room since it is more open and I can see better, but it did absolutely come in clutch in the ghost room, the AOE freeze is huge, like 2x or 3x a bubble radius. The ghost room didn't have anyone cheesing it in "the spot" so we had to do it the legit way - by struggling horribly.

This thing came in clutch big time cause it freezes such a wide area, and when the crystals break it staggers and kills or damages everything nearby, if it is caught in the zone it is realistically gonna die.

It 100% holds down the doorway on the lock room after the ghost room as well. No trouble whatsoever. The ammo economy is insane as well.

It holds 8 in the mag and 24 reserves, I used this shit a lot in the boss room and the lowest I got in ammo was like 15. I did have Shoot to Loot so I could just get the ammo from a range, but 15 is the lowest I got 8 mag + 7 reserves. The damage and crowd control per ammo is fucking wild.

I mostly wanted to use it cause I know Prospector had a huge glowup with 35 total ammo, this only has 24, but that is more than enough, its excellent. I wanted to give it a shot since I have been using Hullabaloo since release, as a lot of you are, but it lacks some DPS and has no anti champion intrinsic. Osmiomancy setup doesn't really have trouble with unstoppables, but it can sometimes lack in hard quick CC which is where Hullabaloo has come in, it can freeze everything, but sometimes it just isn't fast enough when like 7 or 8 enemies spawn in, this is the solution.

I have used Hullabaloo with great success in Birthplace of the Vile, Hypernet, Cosmodrome, and was gonna try it here but decided to give Sally a try. Sally is far better, does more damage as well, and with its functionality, doesn't do self damage like Hullabaloo or other traditional heavy GLs.

You also can shoot it normal like a normal GL by just tapping the trigger/mouse click but cmon, nah we don't do that here, G. That will probably kill you like a normal GL so do beware.

I didn't use the normal GL shots. I shot a winter wonderland shot, and just used my primary to break the crystals, they pop in 1 hit anyways so why waste another shot.

You want to aim a little before your target, the zone comes a bit after the initial shot location, like a mortar of sorts, it makes a "V" where you are aiming at the bottom pointy part, the rest of the "V" forms after the hit on the ground.

I need to test more but it might overload on direct hit, it might slow like Coldsnap nades when they direct impact, if this is the case, it can handle overload + unstoppable, I need to test though and see. For now it can 100% handle unstoppables.

TLDR: Salvation's Grip is excellent now, give it a try, it just might surprise you like it did me.

P.S. My fireteam even said it was a total clutch and they were randoms. Cool points.

EDIT: It DOES NOT slow on direct impact, it does not overload, only stun unstoppables.