if martials worked the exact same way casters do in 5th edition
"I'm using my level 1 stamina slot to throw three daggers at three different targets!"
"Okay, roll to hit"
"It doesn't roll. The ability says each dagger hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range. A dagger deals 1d4 + 1 slashing damage to its target."
"What? O...kay then. But wait, you're not carrying 3 daggers."
"Yes I am!"
"I'm looking at your sheet, and no you are not."
"It's in my Dagger Pouch"
"...How many daggers does a Dagger Pouch hold?"
"It holds infinite daggers, or at least as many as I will ever need."
"How much did that cost you?"
"25 gold. It weights 2 pounds."
"This doesn't make any sense. Whatever. The goblin shoots an arrow. 22 to hit, so you take-"
"I don't take any damage if it's a 22."
"Your AC is 18... which is good, but not 22"
"Yeah but I have a Shield"
"20 AC is still not 22"
"I'm using my reaction to use my Shield, so it's +5 AC until my next turn. So my AC is actually 25."
"But don't worry, it cost me another level 1 stamina slot. Shame I won't get those back until next long rest"
"Whatever, your turn."
"Bonus action to use Sharpen Weapon 2nd level stamina slot. My sword is now a +1. I'll use my action to attack."
"Ouch. That's it. The goblin reaches for a scroll, and casts Fireball!"
"Reaction. Menacing Stare. I counter it. 3rd level stamina slot."
"........Okay. Hey look, your wizard friend just arrived! Wizard, what are you going to do?"
"Welp. I'm casting Firebolt, and then another Firebolt, since I don't have any stamina slots"