I hate my life enough
I fucking hate this shit, and yes everyone will say “I don’t move for anything less than $6.” Good for you.
I’m platinum level and declined a $2 McD order because I’m sure the assfuck didn’t tip. I also dropped a f*cking pita 0.2 miles away to a college girl for $1. Boise, ID sucks ass for DD most days. But the holidays made decent money.
I’m done crying about it. Nothing quite like $10/hr driving all over hell, plus I gassed up today. Just thought I’d add this pile of shit day to the commiseration pile.
-I’m a good boy. I do what the overlords bid. -I will continue to take dogshit orders because that’s what’s available in my area. -Fucking people.
I fucking hate this shit, and yes everyone will say “I don’t move for anything less than $6.” Good for you.
I’m platinum level and declined a $2 McD order because I’m sure the assfuck didn’t tip. I also dropped a f*cking pita 0.2 miles away to a college girl for $1. Boise, ID sucks ass for DD most days. But the holidays made decent money.
I’m done crying about it. Nothing quite like $10/hr driving all over hell, plus I gassed up today. Just thought I’d add this pile of shit day to the commiseration pile.
-I’m a good boy. I do what the overlords bid. -I will continue to take dogshit orders because that’s what’s available in my area. -Fucking people.