Can most daycares handle toddlers with ASD? What should I be looking for? (Daughter may or may not have autism)
Asking this question here, because I feel that if I ask her daycare in person right now, I'll burst into tears. Also, I'm not jumping to stuff rn, I'm going to wait until she is officially diagnosed to start making any big moves. But I just want to have info of what I should do, in advance.
So I had my toddlers 15 month check up yesterday. She is officially speech delayed, despite us working tirelessly to catch her up (reading, practicing with her seeing our facial movements, flashcards). Her pediatrician did not diagnose her, but mentioned that ASD is a concern she has, due to my daughter being unable to understand commands, directions, or her name. We are unsure if she understands her name, because she does look over if we say any word loud enough.
I'm not ashamed of her possibly being autistic, I'm just terrified for her safety and don't want her to have a diagnosis that makes her more vulnerable to harm. The world is so cruel, and with everything going on, it isn't exactly a comfort to hear that she may be more in harms way.
We got a referral for early intervention and also asked for referral to a different speech place, in case early intervention isn't approved. She is caught up on motor skills.
She is great at socializing. Super sweet and shares really well. She loves other kids. Has never bit or hit another kid. I can confirm this through my own experience with her and also from having asked her teachers. She goes down for nap time. She can kind of feed herself, but we have been unsuccessful at teaching her to use a fork or spoon yet. She does drink liquids on her own.
So I'm not sure. If she's not having issues with anything other than speech, does she need more specialized care, if she ends up being diagnosed? We love her daycare, but want what's best for her. Her teachers will be devastated if she leaves, because they really love her and tell me all the time.
We just want what's best for her and want honest opinions.