Bracket's are not a "replacement" for anything because there was nothing there for them to replace

There are a lot of people who are (likely disingenuously) saying "What's the point of brackets????" with either the explicit or implicit coda of "When we already have the 1-10 system". Well here's the thing, there is no 1-10 system. "My decks a 7" is a meme BECAUSE it's meaningless and it's meaningless because, yeah you guessed, there is no agreed upon 1-10 system. Several big community content creators have put out their own versions of it, none of which match up, and various pods and larger groups have their own rough idea. But there is no codified meaning to it and without a common agreed upon meaning it is entirely pointless; and that is the point of brackets.

Brackets are a formal, official. commonly understood set of descriptors for what kind of play experience you are looking for and what kind of things are in your deck. Even with the current beta system if I say "My deck is bracket 3" then I am communicating real information about what kind of play experience and power level the deck is built for. Something that "My deck is a 7" could and did never do.

The bracket system won't replace the need to talk to other human beings you are going to play a game with. It never could have (or should have). It is a set of tools to help aid those conversations and even if "My deck is a 3" replaces "My deck is a 7" that is still a step forward.