Did NOT enjoy Assassin's Apprentice - any other popular books/authors I should steer clear of?
Hi fellow fantasy readers!
I have come to realize that my taste in books appear to be a bit different from what many other fantasy readers enjoy.
I've almost managed to get through Assassin's Apprentice, but I've had a really hard time reading it. My conclusion is that I absolutely do not enjoy books where "everything" appears to go wrong for the MC. I just find myself constantly feeling bad for Fitz, and so far it has been a really depressing read. I am actually not sure if I will be able to finish the last 15% of the book, and I will definitely not read the rest of the series. This has been really surprising to me, as the general consensus appears to be that this book deserves at least 4 stars, usually 5. I see a lot of people having this as their favorite series.
I felt the same way about "The Way of Shadows" by Brent Weeks. I found it less boring than Assassin's Apprentice, but still... too depressing to continue with the series.
I know a lot of people on this sub disagree with me, but my favorite author is Brandon Sanderson. I love his cosmere-works, and Stormlight Archive is my all-time favorite series.I also love Kingkiller Chronicles (yes, I even loved Wise Man's Fear).I enjoyed ASoIaF, although it did get a bit too political after a while.I quit Wheel of Time about 10% into book 3, as I never got as hooked on the series as I would like. 14 books felt too daunting. Book 1 and 2 was good enough though, just not "page-turners" in my opinion.Six of Crows was good.DNFed The Lies of Locke Lamora.Currently reading Art of the Adept #4, and I really liked the first three books.LOVED Legends & Lattes.I also enjoy YA-books like Rick Riordan's books, Hunger Games and Harry Potter. Very open to reading more YA.
My taste appears to be books with at least a moderately happy ending, and something has to go right for the main character. I can't stand when characters get beaten down again and again, and everything goes wrong. I also enjoy books that makes me laugh from time to time.
My question is therefore - which books should I avoid reading? Authors to avoid? The following books/series are currently on my "to read"-list based on popular recommedations on the internet:
- The Blade Itself (First Law series)
- Fool's Errand (Tawny Man series - oh dear, I just realized that this is another Robin Hobb book about Fitz. Probably should ditch this one)
- The Shadow of What Was Lost (Licanius trilogy)
- Red Rising (Red Rising saga)
And finally - based on the books I've read and enjoyed, do you have any recommendations?
Formatting. And also, wow, thank you for all the tips so far! I will try answering more of you tomorrow. I just want to clarify one thing before I go to sleep:
I am completely fine with things going wrong for the main characters from time to time. To me, the main difference between i.e. Assassin’s Apprentice and ASoIaF/Stormlight Archive is whether or not the main character(s) has people in their corner. Someone who tries to build them up, helps them overcome their issues, or just help them in general. They have a support group, a team, a family - either by blood or self-chosen. As long as the main protagonist has that, I believe I won’t find the book as depressing, even if bad stuff happens from time to time.