How do you feel about the combat shotgun?

TLDR: Combat is becoming what the pump was when we only had 2 shotguns. Still stronger after nerfs to range and damage it does at certain ranges, a potential nerf could be fire rate between tac and pump but that may make the gun bad between the 2.

Combat is the new dominate shotgun and it looks like it will be for awhile until we get a new shotgun, buff the current shotguns, or the combat is vaulted. Combat fire rate is the only thing that makes it stronger than the pump and the tac combined with its crazy range for a shotgun. If they changed the fire rate to still be faster than the pump but slower then the tac I personally believe it will still be the dominate shotgun since its tight spread will prevent you from doing damage less then the rarity you have unless you mess up your aim and since it still has a fire rate faster then the pump it can deal more damage with 2 shots before the pump can shoot again. Most fights if you don't have a combat and fight someone with it, you lose the majority of the shotguns fights unless the difference in build skill and aim is big. I feel like the combat get way to much value as a shotgun but I don't really see any way to make it a balance weapon.