Do I qualify for German citizenship by descent?

Hello! I would really appreciate any insight into if I qualify for German citizenship by descent though my father or grandmother.

  1. With the information shared below, do I have German citizenship by descent or is it plausible I have German citizenship by descent?
  2. What else can I gather in addition to what I already have to hopefully confirm that I'm a German citizen?

My primary point of confusion (what are best ways to check this?): My father thought that he lost German citizenship as a minor when he left Germany for the US when he was ~11 years old in 1956. I'm questioning if this is actually the case or more of a misunderstanding due to him emigrating as a minor. He did share:

  • He believes that from 1956-1962, he didn't have German or US citizenship and was stateless.
  • His mother was the only one listed as a "German National" on their joint passport used to get from Germany to the US

Where I am otherwise at in my investigation: I have been using the guidance here and I believe the path my dad would fall into is "children who were born before 24 May 1949" and specifically this group:

  • German mother and foreign father out of wedlock: The child was born as a German citizen. Did the father (or another foreigner) legitimize the child before 24 May 1949?
    • If this is applicable to my father - the answer is no
  • The guidance then seems to go to me next in line and I fall this group:
    • German father and foreign mother in wedlock: The child was born as a German citizen, continue with the next person in line...

This seems to me like I may have been born a German citizen if I'm interpreting this correctly? For that to be possible, I'm assuming my father would need to be a confirmed German citizen though?

Family History

Paternal grandmother

  • born in 1923 in Germany in wedlock (German parents)
  • married a US citizen in Germany (husband adopted my father in 1956 shortly after marriage, is not his biological father) in 1956
  • emigrated after marriage in 1956
  • unsure what year naturalized in the US


  • born in 1945 in Germany out of wedlock (no father on birth certificate)
  • adopted by grandmother's husband (US citizen in military) in 1956
  • emigrated in 1956
  • naturalized in USA in 1962
  • married my mother in 1986


  • born in 1991 in USA in wedlock (mother is US citizen, I am a US citizen)
  • married US citizen in 2016
  • unsure if relevant - have 2 children of my own, US citizens

Thank you for any insight/help with this, it is immensely appreciated!

Edit: got rid of extra info