How to be okay with being single at 36.
I've been in long term monogamous relationships since I was a kid, 15, it's like I've always based my life on being in a relationship, it was my whole life goal.
Well I got it, 3 years here, 5 years there, 2 years here, and now after a 10 year I feel like I wasted my time, and I have no idea how to be single.
I've been having "fun" dating I guess, it's been fun, but not fulfilling. It feels hollow. Like a big game. I can play the game, but yeah, if feels like I lost "my person", even though she was an abusive alcoholic (which makes me feel so dumb for feeling this way) I miss her.
I know that's a typical thing for abused people, and it makes me feel shame, it does, we could never work together because she was just, not fixable, traumatic childhood, barriers I could never truly break. I thought it was admirable, like, she's so strong willed and she has grit y'know?
Well that grit turned in to abuse, first verbal, leading to physical. I knew I couldn't call the cops because, well, I'm the guy, she actually said that, that I'd go to jail because "that's how it works". It messed me up.
So now I'm sitting here, close to a year since the breakup, and... I miss her.
It's so dumb but I do. We talk occasionally, she has a boyfriend now, good for her, I'm happy for her. I've been dating, she's been rude to me about that when we first split, over the phone from across the country. I moved on kind of quick but I didn't really move on, I just started embracing being single, maybe too much. But we've been cordial as of late. Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday stuff, nothing too much.
So how do you get along with being single? I feel an immense weight off my shoulders not having to worry about my ex, her attitude and abuse, literally the only time I dream of her, it's a bad dream, she's abusive or I feel scared of her.
So why do I miss her? How do I stop thinking of that crazy abusive jerk who made me miserable and just, be single? I feel like a battered house wife saying "yeah but he has a good heart", it's pathetic. It's so dumb.
10 years. That's a loooong time. I've been good(ish) about moving on but man, I still think about her everyday and it's driving me crazy. I know, I know for a fact that we don't work together, we had so many amazing times but she's just not my type, she's rude, she's abusive, I knew that when we started dating. I thought I could fix her. I think I did, for a little while anyway, but of course I couldn't.
I guess I'm just mainly venting, but I would like some advice besides the typical "gym, hobbies, focus on yourself", because that's not working. Meeting women and dating around is a nice distraction, but the nights like tonight are lonely.
Tell me I'm being an idiot, tell me it's never ever okay to put up with abuse, that I'm being ridiculous, especially physical abuse. I can take a tongue lashing, I shouldn't but I can, but getting slapped and spit on is never ever okay. Right?
I feel like I'm going crazy.