I'm a parent who's had some online success, but now my kid idolizes youtube influencers and I'm torn between hypocritically condemning the career or nurturing my kids interest.

I'm not a big youtube channel, but to my kid who's not even 10 still looks at it like I'm 'popular' (I'm not) but she is always confused why I don't celebrate it.

Now my kid is all about wacky youtubers who are raking in millions of views and getting money for it; (Last month was minecraft streamers, current one is Collinskey) when not gaming, is absurd opening product videos or over exaggerated food reviewing, etc. all while screaming "LET'S GOOOOOO"

My kid doesn't understand why I don't like her watching them. (There's nothing in them that's foul or 'too far' in the videos) But I can't help looking down the road to see the obsession with chasing views and 'pleasing' an ever consuming and demanding audience. I've experienced plenty years prior how internet crowds can leave you in over your head; both a need to keep performing to feel accepted, as well as cause and effects you never intended but wandered into.

My question is; Am I wrong in trying to turn her off of these PG-esque shows that she already knows exist, to things I approve of? Or better to just share in what she is clearly wanting to partake in, and just try and guide her when any go too far?

I can't tell if it's me who's assuming the worst that it will lead to? I can't tell if I'm coddling her and stopping her from learning how to deal on her own, or not being a parent enough on putting my foot down against bad ideas.

I know isn't directly video games, but hope this is considered. Thank you.