I need help with getting into games
Hi, i just installed the game since it came to gamepass (pc) and i have been having issues with getting into games. I am able to get into servers but the process is extremely annoying. For context I am french canadian, so I can connect to eastern american servers (both FR only and EN only). Even though I should be privileged when it comes to server availability I had a very bad experience trying to log into a game both times I tried to. When I try getting in, I try to go in the servers with small queues and it makes me wait the whole queue to tell me the game is full. (Even when there is less than 80 players in the server)
I tried different servers for like 10 minutes before getting into one, and when i realized nobody had a mic, I left and tried joining another one. I tried for about 15 minutes and gave up. I guess there is something I must be doing wrong, does anyone have advices? Thank you