Can't find any Ancient Greek philosophy that resonates with me. Help

I have looked through so many different views of Ancient Greek Philosophers on the Gods and none of them resonate with me.

Most of them either view the Gods as all good perfect beings without emotions, or wills, or is just one source or one deity. Or straight up atheistic. None of which views the Gods remotely at all anthropromorphiclly?

Is there no philosophy that views the gods in a more anthropomorphic manner, but more in depth and incomprehensible.

I view the Gods are beings of that encompass both nature and societal concepts with distinct with personalities,wills, and emotions that while similar to us are far more complex than our understanding. I do believe that they take human or animal forms to help us relate and resonate with them not to mention it helps us form a connection with them which is why we have human statues of them on our altars. I believe that lighting and thunder is the will of Zeus even though we know the science behind why such phenomena occur. I don't believe the Gods can be defined with such black and white terms such as good or evil. A thunderstom is not good or evil. Maybe I'm just a bit naive, but I don't agree with the idea that the Gods aren't human like in some way. Id like to believe that the Gods can feel empathy, compassion, love, desire, sorrow, anger, and even have a sense of humor ya know lol.

Is my view of the Gods just completely foreign to any traditional views of the Gods in Ancient Greece? Is there no philosopher that may view the Gods similarly to me?

I ask, because philosophy plays a big part in Hellenism and Im just a bit frustrated I haven't found any traditional philosophy from the many Ancient greek philosophers that resonate with me.