24th January was indeed a massacre. According to toughness data of various institutions, 24th shift 1 was on 3rd toughest or 4th toughest... similarly 24th shift 2 was on 6th toughest or 7th toughest.

Now after the mathongo data,24th Jan shift 1 has slipped to 7th toughest and 24th Jan shift 2 to 10th toughest.

The most probable reason for this is there were a large number of good students' exam on 24th.Now im not telling other shifts didnt have good students. I am just telling percentage wise..For example is 22s 1 had 8% 22s2 had 8.5%..24s1 had 11% and 24s2 had 11.5%....This tells us why there is inflation of marks on 24th January both shifts.