A man can do better.
What a man can do, a man can do better.
Jokes aside, having a man in the house is very important. We can't do everything as women that's a fact. Or even do it better than the men. I appreciate how my old man puts his input around the house. For example something that was broken and not functioning you find it already fixed. Never knowing when or how it was done. Suddenly it just works.
That's just a smidge of what men contribute to a home. Every gender has their own strengths and if we build up on them we can go far as humans.
In a generation where each gender feels it's necessary to trash and overlook the other one's inputs. It's important to appreciate the natural order of things before they become extinct.
All I can say is women should appreciate the input of men and vice versa. If there is something I believe deep in my core is we can never be equal because we are not the same and never will be.
Don't cook me please I am just appreciating my old man.