Want some opinions about P2W classification.

Currently debating with someone about P2W, in this scenario they are claiming the game is P2W because you can buy spins to roll for a better clan. Other than that you can buy stuff for convenience like faster leveling or faster mastery, option to reset something to switch to a new ability and some other stuff which is cosmetic in nature. Now you can grind for the spins to roll clans, grind in game currency to buy the convenience stuff besides faster leveling or mastery gain. Now being a higher level only offers more paths to level skills, there is no damage advantage if your higher level, mastery dictates damage so being more proficient in a skill rewards you with more damage to a cap on said damage so even rolling a good clan with its buffs doesn't offer much if you don't level mastery and you can grind out items to gain new abilities but you can't P2W to gain those abilities.

I'm stuck at a crossroad, where i see some P2W aspects but don't feel what is being offered that some would consider it to be P2W being well P2W, as there is still a fairly decent amount of grind required and you can't gain a large amount of power instantly by dropping money.

What do you guys thinking about this scenario of mine?

Edit: There is a lot of varying opinions, thank you guys for taking the time to share and i have read a lot of the comments, and what I came to is ultimately it is just based on where i would draw the line for something to be called P2W, it varies person to person.