Muslim Women are Beautiful.LJ is absurd

I have posted this on another forum, but this post got moderated.

As an Indian Muslim, 26. In my student life and corporate life, I have seen H friends infatuated with Muslim girls. People often told me you guys are lucky because your women are beautiful(which is true XD). A friend once told me he would convert if he got the chance to marry some gorgeous girl. Another friend who was very frank with me once enquired about love jihad and why M men go after their women.

In my observation, 99% of Muslim boys are interested in the women of their own religion. I find this Love Jihad thing absurd and illogical; why would a Muslim boy do that if he can get much better women(in looks, mannerisms, and values) in his own religion? And now this BLT is surfaced, I feel it is happening but not in an organized way given how people think our women are better than theirs.

How does the community here feel about this? Please let me know your thoughts.