My husband is the reason why my daughter might kill herself one day and I need to prevent this

I don't know what I am hoping from posting this. I am stuck, and I dragged my daughter into this hellhole. I sometimes get angry at both of them for treating me horribly, moreso at my husband. At this point, I think the only thing I can ask for is advice on how I can make sure my daughter doesn't end up trying to kill herself once again. I don't think there's much more that I can do. And I don't even know how to start to be honest. Below are just a few examples of how horrible of a father my husband is. People don't believe me when I tell them that they were inseparable when she was still a toddler. Now they're each other's biggest enemies.

Example 1: My daughter had multiple suicide attempts throughout the years, the worst ones being in 2019 and 2022. In 2019, she tried to jump out of a window to kill herself. I was in panic and called my husband immediately. I thought that maybe, just maybe, he could break the door and somehow get my daughter away from that window. I was horribly wrong. He came home like an hour after that, completely relaxed, and wanted to eat his lunch first. I really wish I was kidding. His "attempt" at stopping his daughter was go to the door, saying "<Nickname>, please open the door. Come on." once. After she OBVIOUSLY refused, he just went back to eat his lunch. I had to break the door myself and get her off there. Another time was when she was about to jump in front of a car. I was called by the psychiatric ward that back then was responsible for her and told to come there immediately so I could be informed about the situation. He never once bothered to show up for any of the appointments I had with her psychiatrist or therapist. Even when my daughter was in the hospital and I called him urgently, he did not show an ounce of worry. He just kept on ignoring her and treating her like trash, since they were fighting about the situation in Example 2.

Example 2: We watched a TV show about UK royals during lunch. My daughter is a big fan of everything history related, but with a big focus on the royals all over the globe. We were all sitting together at the table and eating. At some point, my husband, once again, started nagging about how horrible UK royals are and that they should all die, etc. – this is just the watered-down version; he said far more horrible things. He kept yelling and raising his voice to the point that we couldn't even hear the show. My daughter got so mad at some point that she literally slammed the plate with the food on the table (which broke) and screeched at him, "Can't you just shut up already!? As if you are any better than all of them combined!" which got him furious. She went to her room and slammed the door right into his face. The wall beside the door broke. I wish I was joking. It is still there, a part of it chipped off from my daughter's force. He got mad, compared her to a certain German dictator, and even spread lies about her in our local mosque. A few days later, he needed help from her again for his work. She didn't even let him finish his sentence and, once again, slammed the door into his face. He got furious once again and disowned her on the spot. Then two weeks later, he acted as if nothing happened and never bothered apologizing. To this day, he does not believe he did anything wrong.

Example 3: My daughter and I have a tradition of always having a movie night on the weekend. We bake stuff together and play games together as well. Today, the cat was sleeping beside us when my husband came home from work in a bad mood. He does that every day. He saw that her food bowl in the living room was empty and started yelling about how irresponsible we are in forcing him to take care of the cat. He didn't pay a dime for the cat or any essentials. I got her after my daughter's psychiatrist suggested a pet to make my daughter more active (since she was always glued to her bed) and perhaps more empathetic. Even though she is a house cat, he takes her out every day against our wishes and yells at the cat when she keeps bothering him for a walk. He promises to stop taking her out, doesn't do it for a week, and then does it again. And in the time he doesn't, the cat keeps on waking my daughter up countless times, which makes her lose hours of needed sleep. He also woke my daughter up various times in the middle of the night so she could send emails out for him, since he doesn't know the language. He basically forces her to work for him for free. The cat also has a full bowl of cat food in the kitchen, where she often goes to eat. When I got angry at him and wanted to fill the food bowl, he suddenly refused and wanted to do it himself. Then he went on to say how my daughter and I are doomed to end up in hell, and he'll be the only one in this family to be in Jannah. My daughter got upset, went to her room, and slammed the door shut. A few hours later, he started a fight with me, about how I make his life living hell by not agreeing to him for every single thing. And that I need to be the one to speak kind words to him. And that he is the one who is paying for everything. Yet he was the one who sold my gold and gave my false promises, pays the debt of all his siblings and friends, but refused to pay for his daughter's college tuition (he has the money!) and sometimes forces me to pay for groceries.

There are so many other things I could tell you guys. He abused me physically and made my daughter watch, she still remembers every detail after 14 years. He has slut-shamed his own daughter and didn't intervene when his friends harassed her. He also defended the abuse his best friend did to his wife and blamed it on her. While my daughter attempted to wear the hijab for half a year, he kept on nagging about the heat in his t-shirt and shorts. It got so bad she just took it off one day and never tried wearing it again. She is also almost certain she'll never wear it again. There is so much more. I could write a book.

My daughter always repeats to me that it was my choice to marry her father and that it was a selfish decision of me to get a child. Her room is tiny, her parents both don't speak the local language properly, and she has to translate everything ever since she was in 1st grade. She often has outbursts where she'd yell at me and blame us two for all of this, how we only made her so we'd have a free slave and emotional punching bag. My daughter has been in psychiatric care ever since she had her first suicide attempt at 7 years old. When she was 14, she started developing extreme outbursts in which she'd hit and harm herself and shout so loudly her throat would hurt the next few days. And somehow, after those outbursts, she wouldn't be able to remember much of the fights. Like, genuinely. Not faking it. When I had a talk with her psychiatrist, she told me that they suspect that she has CPTSD, but that my daughter refused to talk about it. The only information she gave was about someone being hit, so I assume my daughter was talking about what I mentioned above. There is a suspicion that she has BPD due to her intense mood swings and since she often described feeling empty, but it couldn't be diagnosed since she isn't 18 yet. But she'd often break down in tears during the sessions randomly and even the therapists who were present could not console her. She doesn't have any friends at all and is basically on her own all the time. The only people who talk to her are the nurses, her psychiatrist, her therapist, and me (when I visited her). They all describe her as a sweet and helpful little girl who has intense emotions that she just cannot regulate on her own. The calmest she has felt in her life was every time after her extreme outbursts.

Deep down, I can somehow anticipate that my daughter is going to actually kill herself sooner or later. I just know it. And I can't blame her for it. It's only a matter of when, where, and how. She told me multiple times that the reason she didn't die yet was because she didn't want to end up in hell; that's the only thing stopping her, nothing else. But I don't know if I can believe her. I have seen enough of her scars and blood to know that she might as well just have been lying to me from the start. All I do every day, starting from when I wake up to going to sleep, is pray that she'll come back home safe in one piece. Sometimes I get nightmares of horrible things happening to her and I can't help but check up on her in the middle of the night to make sure she's okay. She has told me multiple times that she absolutely despises me for not aborting her. That all those miscarriages that I had were a sign from Allah SWT that I shouldn't have a child. That honestly hurt me a lot, to hear that from my own daughter. She said it with no emotions in her face too. Now that I think about it, every time I cry or show any type of sadness, my daughter shows no emotions. When I cry, I want her to hug me. But she doesn't even look at me or give me words of encouragement. Sometimes I see her roll her eyes; she tries to hide it, but I can notice it. Deep down, I know she has a kind heart. She loves teaching children and helps out at an animal shelter in her free time. She doesn't mind explaining things to her classmates in the middle of the night and gives it her all to help everyone. She often sends her money back home to her favorite auntie and has always stood up for others being bullied. So it hurts me that her kindness somehow doesn't extend to me as well.

Every day, I regret marrying this man, but I did not delegate the right to divorce to me during our Nikkah. I didn't stipulate anything. And he refuses to divorce me as well. Even if he did, I would have nowhere to go. I had to flee from a war and could not finish my education. No one wants to hire me; even if, I could never pay for the expenses of both my daughter and I. She'd still be living in hell. He was the kindest man on earth before I married him, he regularly took me out on dates and showed me that he loves me. Only when my daughter came did he suddenly change completely.