YW JY sibling relationship

All siblings shared important, heart warming takeaways they’ve learned while going through this experience with their sibling and how it’s helped them grow closer and cherish each other more.

YW seems like the only sibling that had 0 emotional/personal growth especially when it came to his relationship with JY.

Throughout the show, there were several instances where he’d intentionally set her up to feel small because he thought that’s what she needed to “grow up” and learn that “not everything can go her way”. This was cruel and weird for several reasons but even more so because JY was kind and supportive of him regardless (even when she knew he was being weird/cringe).

JY seems to carry feelings of guilt/remorse due to how he grew up raising her when he was still a kid himself and is very aware/considerate of his feelings. Wish he would’ve realized his kid sister felt this way and learned to treat her more kindly instead of his bizarre version of tough-love.

Anyways, my heart goes out to JY. I hope she gets to keep all the older siblings she gained through this experience.