I don't know what and how should I react?
So I'm currently interning In an corporate. As an internee I need to talk sweetly with every customer that arrives here. So there's a regular customer Week ma Sometimes everyday natra Twice or thrice a week auni ktaaa. Since I've joined here he asks me khana khanuvaa sanchai hununxaa and xutti Kasto gayo all that. I just Reply and don't question back to him and continue the conversation. Sunday what happened was he asked me " Hajurko internship kailey sakinxa " I answered with " falgun samma ho " . He: Hajurko Facebook I'd vannu na ? me: Mailey Facebook chalaudina ni he: K chalaunu hunxata ( with a slight Smile ) me : Instagram xaaa krey he: I'd mata hajurko naam search gareyni aulaa ni hai ? me: audaina naam arkai xa then I gave My phone while my insta was already open and Home page dekhaye he searched it and Req pathaihalyo.
as I was busy mailey Herina and got busy with customers. Belka chai Kk kaam ley vulexu Ani herdata 6h ago vanera dekhathyo follow req to time. Wasta garina ani Next day which is yesterday( Monday) dimso Follow gareko samjhethey ani follow Req accept raa Follow back gardim kyaa vaneraa herxuta Req naii gayab xaaa baaaaa.
I thought it was weird and why did he do so. Although he's from another caste so really doesn't matter but Regular office ma airakhxa tyo ani what should I say If he mentions about me not accepting the Request. Or will he not say anything about it idk. How should I take this thing???
PS; 24 hours vitraa Req accept navayeraaa Req nai undo garexa. should I search his I'd and follow him or do what about this situation?? idk I'm feeling confused.