Trans and feeling kind of anything for me, Optimists?
Hey y'all. I'm having a particularly rough go in the optimism department. I could use a bit of a perspective shift back to reality instead of feeing all doom and gloom about my future. I want to believe I'll be okay. I want to believe things will be okay for us. I want to believe that my life will be a peaceful and happy one and that I'll get through this administration and things will be better on the other side of it.
I'm in a blue state and I'm 34 years old (so well past the age where it would be reasonable to critically examine whether or not I'm stable enough to want to transition, I transitioned at 31 actually). I'm also employed and doing well for myself at a place that both knows and respects me. I shouldn't feel this way, but I just feel so despondent. I don't want to feel this way for the entire next three and change years at this point because I've waited long enough to live life and be happy in it, it's painful to feel like I have to wait longer. The murder of Sam Nordquist happened in my state and as another trans man, that....stings.
I'm a really tough person and I've been through a LOT so I know I can make it through but I could use a little hope and motivation today. Anyone in 'em got a pep talk to give laced with the good shit (optimism)? I'd really...really appreciate it.