I tried to build the best possible aggro deck into the current meta, this is the deck

The deck is simple, start with Skarmory and do 50 dmg right away, enough to 2 shot a Druddigon or oneshot manaphy. 50 dmg is also nice to 3 shot a palkia or Dialga.

fsrfetched is here to increase our chances to to start with something aggressive, since this deck runs 3 tools, fsrfetched becomes hard to deal with.

yanmega is our finisher, it cost 3 energy, but with Dawn and X speed we could use yanmega one turn earlier to finish the game. Yanmega also oneshots darkrai and weavile, which is a big deal This deck could also run a copy of pokecom.

The deck is simple, start with Skarmory and do 50 dmg right away, enough to 2 shot a Druddigon or oneshot manaphy. 50 dmg is also nice to 3 shot a palkia or Dialga.

fsrfetched is here to increase our chances to to start with something aggressive, since this deck runs 3 tools, fsrfetched becomes hard to deal with.

yanmega is our finisher, it cost 3 energy, but with Dawn and X speed we could use yanmega one turn earlier to finish the game. Yanmega also oneshots darkrai and weavile, which is a big deal This deck could also run a copy of pokecom.