Thought I had a cat from Hell. Realized I was actually the owner from Hell.

2 years ago I was extremely depressed. I wanted a cat to keep me company, remembering my days of living with my family cats and how much joy they brought me. So I got a kitten. That was honestly the biggest mistake. I should have adopted an adult cat that needed a home. I was so not ready for a kitten, and I had no idea. Looking back on it now it was just so unfortunate for both of us. His behavior really brought me to a new level of depression, talking extremely dark thoughts that I can't even write here. I wrote in my journal that if I was found dead it was 100% because of the stress of the cat. Many, many times almost reached my breaking point.

I guess his behavior that I am talking about was mostly his constant meowing. And that was because I wouldn't give him enough attention because I was depressed and didn't actually want to play with a kitten all day. I DID play with him and got him so many toys, but his needs outweighed my ability to meet them. His meowing began to drive me crazy. It was during these bouts of meowing that the dark thoughts would be at their most powerful. I almost did bad things. Luckily the worst thing I ever did was throw a ball at his head, and it hurt my soul so much I beat the shit out of myself that night.

Very unsurprisingly, the cat began to hate me. And yet, I still did not understand. I thought I had a cat from Hell, I thought God decided this was how I would die. I thought it was a cruel joke that I was looking for a way to ease my depression, and instead accelerated it 10 fold. Now, the fact that the cat clearly did not like me was exacerbating my depression further. I had a cat that actively was ruining my life, and it stopped sleeping with me or laying with me so I began to get absolutely NO good emotions from having the cat, at all. At this time I was probably in one of the most negative times in my life. I was completely unstable, would begin crying uncontrlably at random, would pleade to God, would believe I was talking with God, sometimes. I am not overtly religious, this was the result of extreme stress on my psyche. I was literally cracking.

Anyway, shortly after that I moved, and even though I am still going through many personal struggles, things with my cat, and in my life, have improved. I realized that I had created a Hell for my cat to live in, not the other way around. I got a kitten and basically subjected it to the worst parenting possible without being completely unacceptable. I was living in Hell partly because I forced this kitten to live in Hell, and it was torture for both of us all the time. He is 2 years old now, and in the last 2 months our relationship has really blossomed. He finally started sleeping with me regularly for the first time since he was a baby kitten, and he is in general much happier to be around me, and I can tell he loves me now. That alone is the most rewarding part of all of this. And I strive to play with him and give him everything he needs - and guess what? Life is a lot less like Hell now, and I don't have a cat from Hell. I never did.