How to GPU passthrough with AMD 7700x on X670 with integrated IGP, RX6800xt and RTX3080 with 3 monitors.

My goal is to use Proxmox as my daily driver. I have my reason and it's too long to explain so just leave it at that. I installed lightdm and firefox on Proxmox so that I can control Promox directly on the machine. I want to use the IGP for this. Now I have Arch linux installed on a nvme and this is my main daily driver. I want to passthrough the RX6800xt to this vm. Lastly I have Windows 7 & 10 and I want to passthrough the RTX3080 to them(not at the same time of course). My problem occur when I try to passthrough my RX6800xt I lose the IGP too. All the iommu/vfio guide I follow only passes 1 GPU. how to keep my AMD IGP and passthrough my AMD GPU?