[SPOILERS] What weapon do you use in the last part of the epilogue?
When I realized I was going to go kill Micah, I had my choice of Arthur's saved weapons. I had the Hero Cattleman Revolver, but I also had a customized Schofield No. 3 Revolver. It was the first revolver that I ever bought for Arthur, and even though I felt like the Hero revolver was symbolic of Arthur's redemption (it's the primary weapon I used in "Red Dead Redemption"), I felt like the Schofield was the revolver that really symbolized and belonged to Arthur the man. So in the epilogue, I had a repeater, shotgun, rifle, etc, but I primarily used the revolver once I realized I was getting close to Micah. And it's the revolver I killed him with. It felt like poetic justice to use Arthur's personal revolver, like Mr. Morgan had his hand on getting justice for the Van Der Linde gang and its fallen one more time.
In the epilogue, do you guys purposefully use a specific weapon for the symbolic value? Or do you opt for something better suited for the combat? Or both?