Is the market any better?
I played for a few months when the game released. I LOVED everything about it other than the market. My favorite thing to do in mmos is grinding for currency and Ravendawn made that seem pointless. Overworld resource nods where sparse and brought nearly no income other than mining but mines where highly contested by stronger characters. Fishing was 100% pointless and mob drops didn't do much because even trash loot was kind of rare. This all made character progression slow because affording any new gear involved using the tiny farming plot and just log in and out every 6-12 hours because nothing else was worth the time of doing.
Been playing Runescape and Tibia again and realized Ravendawn would scratch the huge itch if the market problems where solved. Sooo is it? lol
Maybe the rant was not needed because any OG players are gonna know all this and be the ones to know if its changed.