Can we ever justify rape

Anyting absolute i raise an eyebrow. I just thought about the possibilities, but i couldn't find it. If a rapist/pedo/murderer someone who did genocides. Like htler. when they get raped would that be justified? The pain and agony of rape do they deserve it?

I kinda wish murder and rape wouldn't get compared too much. They are both bad 😔. I saw somebody saying they could overcome rape but not murder. That made me think.

When i question the morality of rape ,murder etc. I get called an bad person, but i think we should question everything. I swear im not a bad person bro please don't come after me in the comments😭😭( just so you know im a woman btw im 17)

Also, i would rather get rped than murderd because i could take revenge on the rapist mf and overcome the trauma 👎 but i can't get revenge when i get murdered. What do you think about this

In summary, im asking: Is there a situation where rape is justified (Sorry for bad English)