What kinds of perceptual disturbances have you experienced?
Perceptual disturbances are very common in Schizotypy. They tend to vary considerably depending on the severity of the condition. Increased sensitivity (particularly in hearing) or a "dulling" of perception may also occur, such as difficulty discerning colors or recognizing objects despite a lack of dysfunction within the eye itself. Difficulties discerning different sounds, localizing sounds, quickly grasping speech and an irritation with barely audible speech are curiously common in Schizotypes.
This kind of perceptual disturbance tends to lead to a "disorganized" experience of reality where percepts are not accurately processed by consciousness. This leads to experiences of sensory illusions where people, objects, sounds, etc. are misinterpreted by the brain. For example, momentarily seeing a shadow as a vivid, fully-formed person or hearing a vague conversation in the sound of a running air conditioner.