Achilles 3 lets him proc hydra's and polynomicon 4 times

Achilles 3 has a dash and spear thrust, and when you hit a god with the spear thrust, you can dash and spear thrust again. If you auto cancel after the 2 dashes and 2 spear thrusts, you can get 4 empowered autos. This is insane when you go the strength int hybrid build with both mana scaling items. You can deal over 6.7k damage with full build in around 4 seconds (using aspect while unarmored, full basic combo with auto cancelling, no ult, no power pots). With 250 prots you deal over 2.5k damage. Also bumbas spear gives you 2 procs on his 3, after you use each dash. The slow start that the scaling build gives you might make the early game tough, but a late game full combo would evaporate teams.