Star Wars is about the characters
I think we have lost sight of what makes Star Wars, Star Wars.
It is not spaceships, a galaxy far far away, futuristic technology, the force, or lightsabers. It is legitimately about the main characters and how they overcome impossible adversity to topple an empire.
There is a reason why Disney has failed so badly at keeping/growing the Star Wars brand that goes beyond bad writing or questionable identity politics. It’s that they have discarded the CHARACTERS that make up Star Wars and disrespected the legacy of the few they kept around.
There is a reason we all cheer and get good feels every time they flash the back of Yoda’s head, or have Luke wipe out a room of storm troopers, or show Anakin on screen during a flashback scene. Because THEY ARE STAR WARS.
I don’t know why this took me so long to grasp, but I, like many others thought what I liked about Star Wars was the force and lightsabers and Jedi. And if you asked me 5 years ago that would be my answer verbatim. However after sitting through most of the stuff on Disney plus, especially the Acolyte, which was CHOCK FULL of Jedi, Sith, lightsabers and all the Star Wars jargon you can stand, it was actually the worst Star Wars content yet. Because the CHARACTERS on the show were poorly written, not interesting, inconsistent, and otherwise unlikable. No amount of Jedi set dressing can change that.
Turns out the following is what I actually like about Star Wars : Yoda, Luke, Anakin, Obi-wan, Han Solo, Sidious, Maul, Leia, Padme, Mace Windu, and our old pals R2 and 3PO. All that other shit is just details.
See the difference?
Disney buying Star Wars and discarding the vast majority of its characters for new ones was a bad move. Sounds similar to buying the X-men universe, but not using any of the x-men in your content but instead making up your own mutants and expecting people to eat it up just because they’re mutants? No one in their right mind would do that! We want Wolverine! Magneto! Etc. if you take the actual X-men out there is nothing special left whatsoever. Full stop.
The characters make the entire experience worth it. Without them, you have a lifeless husk of what SW used to be. So if they absolutely must make new characters, they must be better than what we’ve gotten so far.
Disney, write better characters, or I feel you are truly lost.