Need Help Leveling Up (Lily Main)


PC Gamertag: Jahly Jolly | Tourney Gamertag: Black Ice

I've made to finals in my locals twice two weeks in a row. I initially I thought i was going to win both times. Made it to the finals pretty Easy, not to downplay the people here but most are free, Columbus, Ohio.

I haven't been in months because I want to level up to where winning locals is actually a breeze.

Question: How can I get better at this game. I only play Lily. I get her weaknesses but I've noticed that online the main thing that I ALWAYS LOSE to is being grabbed to death. I usually never grab because the risk is not worth the reward. And whenever I do tech I get punished so I avoid all together.

I've made it in master rank (stuck in 1600s to 1750 and I never normal grab or use drive reversal.

Any tips that aren't picking a different chance are greatly appreciated.