I’m Getting Nausea From This.

People all over the internet and world are just jerks, and idiots. I have experienced a fair amount of hate in my life, so don’t call me ‘weak’, or ‘imature’. You don’t know me, so why blame me? And thats also why I’m here. I feel like- no, I have noticed that no matter where you say something, someone will disagree. And I know adversity strenghtens you, so why am I even making this post? Brcause I’m fucking tired of holding my mouth shut out here, afraid that someone will hate on me. I just want a place on this damn internet, where I can feel safe. But the more I grow, the more I learn, the more I also notice that we humans are misserable creatures. I don’t wanna be negative and spread some bad vibes, but its yourself that chose to read, so its your problem now. And I don’t know what I’m doing right now. I should sit up, put my phone in the pocket, and get something from my teenage years. I really just wanted to write down my thoughts and, I don’t know… I’m just having a bad day, perhaps? That can happen, and the next I’m maybe seeing rainbows and butterflies. But I’ll stop now, so I don’t waste your time any more than neccesary.