Do you think relationship can survive political differences?

Today, I had lunch with two colleagues, both young men in their twenties. We started talking about economics, and the conversation naturally shifted to politics.

Naively, I assumed we shared the same views probably because we’re the same age, but I quickly realized that wasn’t the case at all. Our values and political opinions are very different, which took me by surprise.

Being left-wing, I was shocked by some of the statements and arguments they made. Even though one of them comes from a minority background, I understood that their political views were largely shaped by their social class and the environment they grew up in. I am of the same origin as the guy in question. That’s why I allowed myself to make assumptions. The difference between us is that I come from a modest background, and he doesn’t, his father is a director. One of them even admitted that he had lost friends because of his beliefs.

This made me wonder: How much of a role does politics play in your life? Do you think you could maintain a friendship or a relationship with someone whose convictions are completely opposite to yours?

In any case, I don’t think I’ll bring up this topic at work again, haha.