so i’m working a cafe job and serving pastries and some old guy comes in and smiles at me. i greet him and ask if he has any questions about the food

old guy: how are you so beautiful?

okay so i’m like mildly uncomfortable but hope for the best in people and figure he’s just sweet, so i just say aw thank you

old guy: you are a man, no?

i shake my head and say i’m a woman. i’m unsurprised and preparing myself for an awkward and invasive conversation when i just want to throw some pastries in a box and go home. still wasn’t ready for this

old guy: and are you married?

i shake my head

old guy: you haven’t said yes to any man yet?

i prolly should have just rushed the order along but eh, i like to stamp out assumptions that i’m straight because fuck assumptions: i’m actually dating a woman. i’m bi

old guy: ah. do you have both organs

my brain just about shut down at that and i froze there for a moment just thinking wtf. why am i being asked this.

old guy: it’s okay, i’m a doctor, please just answer. that would be very interesting. yes or no

me: not something i’d like to talk about at work. i’d rather just answer questions about the pastries.

he insisted a few more times before i just dipped from the counter to decompress in the back room. AAHHHHH. i feel so fucking. i don’t even know. fucking hell. 🤢 people need to mind their own damn genitals

Edit: i talked to my manager and she said she’d ban the guy if she ever sees him again. i’ve never seen her so angry. it feels amazing to have an ally here