Anime waifus are going to become increasingly popular because real women are nothing close to what men really want to date and never were.
I already know a few people will misunderstand or read inbetween the lines and see things that I did not say. But I do big care as everyone will see I am right in a few decades or so anyways.
Tbe reality is that what men want from a relationship and what women are and willing to give are just not compatible.
People are quick to say that men are owed nothing from women and they are right. But if men cannot get what they want, why would they bother improving themselves or dating women at all if they are not going to get what they want?
Instead they would find some alternative way to get what they want.
Which is why anime waifus, sex dolls and such are becoming increasingly popular. And men are quiting society more and more.
Anime waifus are designed to have the personalities men actually want. Wear outfits that are uniquely them, are innocent and cute, sexual with them, respect them for just being them, attractive to them, etc.
Just a type of femininity that real women do not have at all.
They do not demand you man up for them, they accept you for you.
They do not expect you to earn money or be confident, they love you for you.
They love your hobbies, you do not have to be worthy of them. You were born worthy.
You do not get shamed, you do not have to hit the gym, you do not have to be masculine, you do not have to buy dates, deal with all the rejection, you can cry to them without it getting used against you, you can escape all the people trying to change you, etc.
Something that a real woman will never be able to compete against at all. Especially when modern women have no interest in being what men want at all.
I expect waifus and such to get more and more popular with time. Eventually, even men who are very successful will start choosing to stay single and look for alternative methods to get what they want instead.
We are already exponentially headed that way really. Even in the past several years, men have been dropping out more and more.
And when love bots advance enough to be worth it, I expect marriage, birth rates and dating to tank even more rapidly.
We are quickly approaching a shakeup as big as birth control here and most are just in denial of it.
Edit: Man, lots of people are taking this personally for some reason. Also, why would men not interested in real women care if they are attractive to real women or not?
Edit edit: I am not going to have time to continue talking to 20+ people at the moment and I think this might blow up. Apologies if I do not get a chance to reply to you.
Edit: And it did blow up lol. I guess people dislike the truth. They think shooting the messenger will prevent the issue they are talking about. I am sure empty shame attacks, personal attacks, saying they said things they did not say and other useless stuff aimed at the messager speaking facts will do something.
Ah well.