Unsure About VIPER ED Acceptance
I was accepted into the VIPER program for ED this year. While I find it to be uniquely special in terms of its offerings, in that it is one of the only (and best) sustainability-driven academic program at a major US university, certain aspects of its structure make me unsure about pursuing it.
- The program's academic nature: While it is good to have a research-focused program with strong focus on acads, I think VIPER takes it too far and makes the program suitable only for those wanting to pursue research or academia. It lacks any industry or employment focus.
- Intensive dual degrees: For those pursuing degrees in two different disciplines like Physics and Chemical engineering, not only is there little overlap in terms of higher course contents, but also consider the fact that (smart) people dedicating 100% of their time to a single Physics degree struggle invariably. Taking on two seems to be a nightmare. It also doesn't make much sense from a career POV because say for a Physics degree, much of the higher content is too theoretical to be applied in any other sector/job barring pure research.
- Sacrifice on internships: I have often heard that summer internships are crucial in the employment journey. By pursuing intense research over the summer, one will lose out on any opportunity to work with a firm or develop real-world applicable skills. Given VIPER's summer research is still very cool, it is nonetheless not an all-rounded experience.
I applied to the program with a passion for sustainability and love for academics, but I wish I had known doing this program could mean pushing myself down a career intensive research path. I wish the program had single degree major + minor flexibility (so as to maintain that interdisciplinary sense without taking on burdening workload).
TL/DR: I am unsure about the VIPER program because it seems too theoretical and research-based. Leaving it would mean missing out on a chance to pursue my energy passion, but staying would put me on a career path I am not to keen about.