How to improve google reviews as a provider???

I feel like I can’t win.

If I practice evidence based medicine (no antibiotics for what is most likely a viral URI, etc) I get very hurtful google reviews (“provider was rude” or “provider didn’t listen to my concerns” which usually means “they wouldn’t give me a z-pack” or exactly what the patient wanted)… which leads to uncomfortable conversations with management and maybe even disciplinary action harming my career.

If I treat my job like McDonald’s and give everyone what they want, I’m not practicing evidence based medicine, contributing to antibiotic resistance, harming the patients in the long term, and killing my desire to be a medical provider

I think I already know the answer here… medicine is being treated like McDonald’s. Patients want what they want and they don’t care about my medical opinion. The company wants money and good reviews so they also don’t care about real medicine. So I either get to accept this or move on to a different job.

But I wanted to ask seasoned urgent care providers who consistently get good reviews and not many complaints… how do you do it?