Family Shaming me for being on disability
This is a vent. About a year ago I had a mental health crisis and hit absolute bottom. Spent several days in a VA psychiatric hospital and have not been able to work since. I’m doing better but still have a ways to go. My entire family knows about my mental health crisis and that I was inpatient at a hospital, but they shame me all the time for being on disability and not working. My mom often says, “I don’t understand how you don’t do anything! Don’t you get bored?” or “It must be nice to not have to work like the rest of us and still collect a check every month.” My brother is also a veteran. He was in the Marines and also served in Afghanistan. He has PTSD, also collects VA disability, but is able to work. Mind you, he’s not doing well by any means, but everyone thinks that if he’s able to work than I should. Especially cause I was “only in the Air Force”.
It sucks. Have any of you experienced this? It’s been really getting me down lately.
Edit: thank you everyone for all of the support. I really appreciate it