Story presentation is awful.... kinda.

So, I just want to say that I absolutely hate the fact that even after change, the paradox questline is before new war. It makes connecting a paradox storyline to normal storyline quite hard without any external hint. Like imagine if, after Ballas says " You can't kill the devil, but you can send it back to hell", there is a cut to the paradox, where drifter is about to be executed, and is pierced by the paracesis. Then a hand falling from the skies, would make much more sense, and connecting it to lotus would be easier. And after completing the paradox questline, we would cut back to operator now onboard zariman, walking in to dormizone. Then again to drifter, who now need to walk in to dormizone to find operator there. Also default appearance of drifter should be somewhat connected to operator's, because it is also hard to realize at first they are same person, just from different realities. Even though I completed whole storyline up to the lotus eaters in aprox. 2 weeks, connecting some dots in the storyline was impossible for me. 

Btw. I think that "old" story line, that is new war one is quite straight forward and not only explains a lot, but it does it in a supprisng, yet straight forward way ( one of few. exeptions was not knowing what on earth Tau is, because i remember that only Ballas used the phrase, and in my lanugage version umbra mods give you "+x Tau resitance" ) However new story line with albrecht entrati, man in tle wall and so on is quite confunsing for me. ( Why does Albrecht looks so different than other orokin in starting cutscene, while we can see him on paintings, as "normal" orokin?, it makes him quite detached from the world ) 

But anyway, I'm blown away of how much good content is in this game in terms of storyline. Fact that I had troubles with conneting dots, does not change that. Dialouges were amazing, especially Ballas. Only thing that I did not like is how far in the game you start story. Friend of mine was thrown of the game because of that. And also I absolutely understand how hard it is to add story to already existing game, and this is large part of why the game looks like that, but I think somethings could be done better, or at least placed better in new player experience.