Straight women will break your heart even when you’re old
I’ve been out for a long long time. I was out before Billie Jean King, Ellen, and KD Lang. I didn’t know any other lesbians and I developed very strong crushes for straight women. They were very painful! I’m sure you can relate.
Last month that my ripe old age, I fell for a straight woman when I was on vacation. I felt like there might be shared feelings, and I was in such pain about it that I told her. It was an amazing feeling to be validated to hear that she was indeed curious and wanted to explore. We started texting and sexting for weeks. It was hoooooootttttttt. I planned a trip to visit her. I lost 10 pounds just from excitement and nervous nausea.
Then on Monday, she said she wouldn’t have time to see me when I was coming to visit and then in my frustration I said a few things about the depth of my feelings that made her uncomfortable. She got really mad and blocked me on everything.
I have no way to explain one of our big miscommunications. No way to get clarity or a better resolution. There’s nothing I can do. I’m really depressed.
I know that “women are straight until they’re not’, but when someone gives you all the evidence that they are straight and you are an experiment, run!