I don't mind pubs being dumb fun.

There's been a lot of criticism about Apex pubs being taken over by LTMs and this season especially with the rift relics and grenade launcher etc but I don't think that's a bad thing. It's fun and apex doesn't have the player count to have them be a separate game mode so just play it and have fun.

If you want the definitive way to play apex and that how you have fun just play ranked. The sbmm is already so strong in pubs that ranked isn't a sweaty alternative. If anything it's a lot more chill and relaxed than pubs in the lower ranks and by the time you hit higher ranks it the people you play with are of your skill level for the most part, communicate and can't just leave immediately off deaths like is the case with pubs. They also don't hot drop every game either like in pubs.

In the Dev update they are making this clear. They want pubs to be similar to fortnite in which they're is weird and wacky fun stuff to do within the game that doesn't take itself too seriously and ranked to be the gamemode that offers the definitive apex experience. I think that's fine