My opinion on successful onlyfans gays

First off. Guys who are successful and can fund a comfortable living just off of onlyfans. That’s amazing, you found a niche that works for you that doesn’t hurt anybody. Do what you want to do and I have no problem with you showing off that body that you clearly worked really hard for and work hard to maintain.

But, and this may come off as extremely judgemental because I don’t know them personally, but people gotta stop worshipping or spending the amount of money they do on these guys. I mean, at the end of the day, you’re gonna spend your money on what you want but these ripped, narcissistic, often bland personality having gym rats would most likely not give you the time of day unless you’re equally shredded and look just like them.

There is TONS of free porn out there where you can watch equally hot guys fuck the shit out of each other. Watch that stuff!